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Viky Garden was born in Wellington and tutored by Vivian Lynn, 1975–79. She lives in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand with Steve Garden (


A finalist in the NZ Adam Portrait Award in 1992, 2014 and 2016, the Parkin Drawing Award 2018 and 2019, the Aesthetica Creative Works Award UK in 2011 and winner of international awards for her pinhole photography in Barcelona, Spain, 2018 and 2020.


Garden has a consistent and focused body of work dating back 35 years. Almost exclusively using herself as the subject, she explores themes of impermanence, self-image and the female experience.


A multi-disciplined artist, her work is held in private collections in New Zealand, Australia, UK, Canada, USA and Europe and in the permanent collection of Tāmaki Paenga Hira, Auckland Museum, Aotearoa New Zealand.


Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin, NZ (website here)

Social Media:

Instagram: vikygarden

Facebook: vikygardenartist

Youtube: Viky Garden - Fe29 Gallery 2019

Youtube: Viky Garden 2017

Youtube: Viky Garden 2016 


2020          Monochrome Photography Awards, Honourable Mention

2020          Winner, 15th Pollux Photography Award, Alternative Process Category,

                       Barcelona, Spain

2020           Finalist, 15th Pollux Photography Award, Alternative Process Category,

                       Barcelona, Spain

2020           Finalist, 15th Pollux Photography Award, Fine Art Category,

                       Barcelona, Spain

2020           Finalist  Fine Art Category, 15th Julia Margaret Cameron Photography                                         Award, Barcelona, Spain

2019           Winner, 13th Pollux Photography Award, Self Portrait Category,

                        Barcelona, Spain

2019           Finalist, 13th Pollux Photography Award, Fine Art Category,

                        Barcelona, Spain

2019           Finalist, 13th Pollux Photography Award, Alternative Process Category,

                        Barcelona, Spain

2019           Finalist, Parkin Drawing Award, Wellington, NZ

2018           Winner, Alternative Process, 12th Julia Margaret Cameron 12th                                                         Photography Award, Barcelona, Spain
2018           Finalist, Parkin Drawing Award, Wellington, NZ

2017           Finalist, Molly Morpeth Canaday Award, Whakatane, NZ
2016           Finalist, Molly Morpeth Canaday Award, Whakatane, NZ
2016           Finalist, Adam Portraiture Award, NZ Portrait Gallery, Wellington, NZ
2015           Finalist, NZ Painting & Printmaking Award, Hamilton, NZ
2015           Finalist, Merit Award, Molly Morpeth Canaday Award, Whakatane, NZ
2014           Finalist, Adam Portraiture Award, NZ Portrait Gallery, Wellington, NZ
2011           Finalist, Aesthetica Creative Works Award, UK
1992           Finalist, Adam Portraiture Award, NZ Portrait Gallery, Wellington, NZ
1992           Finalist, Portraiture Award Auckland Society of Arts, Auckland, NZ
1988           Finalist, Portraiture Award Auckland Society of Arts, Auckland, NZ 

Solo Exhibitions

2024   New Studio Work, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin

2021   Grit, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin

2020   Pictured, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin

2020   Frayed, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin

2019   Viky Garden - Paintings, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin

2019   Casting Shadows, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin

2018   Say It To My Face, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland
2016   Seven By Two, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland
2009   Passengers, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland
2008   New World Virtues, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland
2007   Hinterland, Judith Anderson Gallery, Napier
2006   Girls and Dolls, Judith Anderson Gallery, Napier
2006   Arabesques, Edmiston Duke Gallery, Auckland
2005   Femme-Bridal Suite, Edmiston Duke Gallery, Auckland
2005   Dressergirls, Judith Anderson Gallery, Napier
2004   Baselines, Judith Anderson Gallery, Auckland
2003   Polemos, Judith Anderson Gallery, Auckland 
2002   Any Given Day, Judith Anderson Gallery, Auckland
2001   Auckland - A Work Of Fiction, Judith Anderson Gallery, Auckland
2000   Here, After, Peters Muir Petford, Auckland
1999   Contra-indication, Peters Muir Petford, Auckland
1997   Office Wives, Chiaroscuro Gallery, Auckland
1996   Sisters of Mercy, Chiaroscuro Gallery, Auckland 
1995   A Thin Disguise, Chiaroscuro Gallery, Auckland 
1994   True Life Studies, Chiaroscuro Gallery, Auckland 
1990   Nudes, Auckland Society of Arts 
1989   Solo Exhibition, Auckland Society of Arts

Group Exhibitions

2024   Conversations, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin 

2024   Autumn Collection, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin

2022   Portrayal of the Human Form, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin

2022   Autumn Collection, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin

2021   Christmas Selection, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin

2020   A Progressive Christmas, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin

2020   Five & Under, Arcadia Contemporary, California, USA

2020   Venturing Out, Fe29 Gallery, Dunedin

2020   Imagery: Shadow & Light, Art League of Baytown, Houston, Texas, USA

2019   Our People - Our Land, Artis Gallery, Auckland

2019   13th Pollux Photographic Awards Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain

2019   Julia Margaret Cameron Awards Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain

2019   Auckland Art Fair, NZ

2018   Katherine Mansfield Exhibition, NZ Portrait Gallery, Wellington

2018   Parkin Drawing Award, NZ Academy, Wellington

2018   Winter Group Exhibition, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland

2018   Auckland Art Fair, NZ

2017   20th Anniversary Exhibition, The Art Spirit Gallery, Idaho, USA

2017   Winter Group Exhibition, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland 
2016   Adam Portraiture Exhibition, Percy Thomson Gallery, Stratford NZ
2016   Winter Catalogue, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland, NZ
2016   Adam Portraiture Exhibition, Selected Work, Pah Homestead, Auckland
2016   Auckland Art Fair, NZ
2016   Adam Portraiture Exhibition, Wellington, NZ
2016   Molly Morpeth Canaday Award, Whakatane, NZ
2015   Adam Portraiture Exhibition, Selected Works, Hastings City Art Gallery, NZ 
2015   NZ Painting & Printmaking Exhibition, The Pavilion, Hamilton, NZ 
2015   Adam Portraiture Exhibition, The Millenium Gallery, Blenheim NZ 
2015   Molly Morpeth Canaday Award, Whakatane, NZ
2014   Adam Portraiture Exhibition, Percy Thomson Gallery Stratford NZ  
2014   Adam Portraiture Exhibition, Selected Works, Pah Homestead, Auckland 
2014   Autumn Catalogue, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland, NZ
2014   12 Gallery Artists, The Art Spirit Gallery, Idaho, USA
2014   Best of the Basement, The Art Spirit Gallery, Idaho, USA
2014   Adam Portraiture Exhibition, Wellington, NZ
2014   Molly Morpeth Canaday Award, Whakatane, NZ
2013   Best of the Basement, The Art Spirit Gallery, Idaho, USA
2012   Bristol Art Fair, Wetpaint Gallery, UK
2011   Winter Catalogue, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland, NZ
2010   Summer Catalogue, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland, NZ
2010   New work by 12 artists, The Art Spirit Gallery, Idaho, USA
2010   Nature/Nurture, Braveheart Trust Exhibition, Auckland, NZ
2009   Summer Catalogue, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland, NZ
2009   Spring Catalogue, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland, NZ
2009   Real & Unreal, Surrealist Exhibition, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland
2009   Autumn Catalogue, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland, NZ
2009   Best of the Basement, The Art Spirit Gallery, Idaho, USA
2008   Summer Exhibition, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland, NZ
2008   New works by 11 artists, The Art Spirit Gallery, Idaho, USA
2007   Summer Exhibition, Warwick Henderson Gallery, Auckland, NZ
2007   Robert Allison Collection, The Johnston Collection, Melbourne, Australia
2003   Invited Artists, Judith Anderson Gallery, Auckland, NZ
2002   National Portraiture Exhibition, NZ Portrait Gallery, Wellington, NZ
2000   Spring Exhibition, Anderson Park Gallery, Invercargill, NZ
1999   Cranwell Drawing Exhibition, Christchurch
1998   Spring Exhibition, Anderson Park Gallery, Invercargill, NZ 
1997   Winter Group Exhibition, Chiaroscuro Gallery, Auckland, NZ 
1996   Il Giardino, Chiaroscuro Gallery, Auckland, NZ 
1994   Buy by Tender, Chiaroscuro Gallery, Auckland, NZ 
1993   Still Life, Morgan Le Fay Gallery, Auckland, NZ
1993   Painterly Women, Morgan Le Fay Gallery, Auckland, NZ 
1993   Animals Animals, Morgan Le Fay Gallery, Auckland, NZ
1993   Icon Exhibition, Morgan Le Fay Gallery, Auckland, NZ
1993   Autumn Exhibition, Auckland Society of Arts, NZ
1993   Open Portraiture, Auckland Society of Arts, NZ 
1993   Lifework - A Personal View, Morgan Le Fay Gallery, Auckland, NZ 
1993   Portray Portrait Morgan Le Fay Gallery, Auckland, NZ
1992   Life Stills and Styles, Morgan Le Fay Gallery, Auckland, NZ 
1992   Autumn Exhibition, Auckland Society of Arts, NZ 
1991   Spring Exhibition, Auckland Society of Arts, NZ
1990   Womens Art Auction, Auckland Society of Arts, NZ
1990   Spring Exhibition, Auckland Society of Arts, NZ 
1990   Autumn Exhibition, Auckland Society of Arts, NZ 
1990   Open Portraiture, Auckland Society of Arts, NZ
1989   Spring Exhibition, Auckland Society of Arts, NZ
1989   Autumn Exhibition, Auckland Society of Arts, NZ
1988   Open Portraiture, Auckland Society of Arts, NZ

Stage Artware Ceramic Studio 

Karangahape Road, Auckland, 1984-1987

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© Jardin Viky

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